Washington County
Andrew Garland-Forshee: Higher Education; Professor and Department Chair Certified Youth and Adult MHFA Instructor: also able to teach Supplemental content related to Older Adults, Higher Education, and Rural Populations Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: andrew.forshee15@pcc.edu
Kera Lee Magarill: Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist Certified Adult MHFA Instructor: also able to teach Supplemental content related to Older Adults Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: kera_magarill@washingtoncountyor.gov
Kathy Wilson-Fey: School District, Mental Health & Wellness Coordinator Certified Youth MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: kwilson-fey@ttsd.k12.or.us
Jeff Houck: Program Director of Doctor of Physical Therapy Certified Adult MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: jhouck@georgefox.edu
Laura Sprouse: Zero Suicide Program Coordinator, Marion County Health & Human Services Certified Youth and Adult MHFA Instructor: also able to teach Supplemental Content related to Higher Education, Supplemental Content related to Fire/EMS Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual, or Blended
Contact: lsprouse@co.marion.or.us
Kathy Turner: Health Promotion and Prevention Coordinator Certified Adult MHFA Instructor, Youth MHFA Instructor, Supplemental Content related to Older Adults Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: kturner@clackamas.us
Erika Ramirez: Health Navigation Program Manager Certified Adult MHFA Instructor, Youth MHFA Instructor, Adult Spanish MHFA Instructor, Youth Spanish MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person only
Contact: eramirez@nwfs.org
Zoraya Uder: CHW, Master Trainer Select for DPP Certified Adult and Adult Spanish MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person or Virtual
Contact: zoraya@familiasenaccion.org
Kirsten Peterson: Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator (ENCC) with Choice Program Certified Youth and Adult MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
LaKeesha Dumas: Founder of “None Left Behind” Certified Adult MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: Lakeeshadumas@gmail.com
Bettina Davis: Founder, MA Company Certified Adult MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person only
Contact: bettinamdavis@yahoo.com
Chris Herold: Youth Organization, Camping Director Certified Youth MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: chris.herold@scouting.org
Andy Wallace: Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist Certified Adult MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: andy_wallace@washingtoncountyor.gov
John Graham: Superintendent at Graham Government Security Services Adult MHFA Instructor, Supplemental Content related to Public Safety Can deliver training: In-Person only
Contact: John.Graham@grahamgovernmentss.com
Sally Guyer: PCC Professor Certified Adult MHFA Instructor, Youth MHFA Instructor, Supplemental Content related to Higher Education Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual or Blended
Contact: sally.guyer@pcc.edu
Kate Fay: Mental Health Specialist Certified Youth MHFA Instructor Can deliver training: In-Person or Virtual
Contact: fayk@hsd.k12.or.us
Denise Giesbers: Director: Transfer, Military and Veteran Student Outreach Certified Adult MHFA Instructor, Supplemental Content related to Veterans, Supplemental Content related to Public Safety, Supplemental Content related to Higher Education Can deliver training: In-Person, Virtual, Blended
Contact: dgiesbers@pacificu.eduContact: nancyboyle527@hotmail.com